Sherrie Palm
Sherrie Palm is the Founder/CEO of APOPS, Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support, author of 3 editions of the award-winning book Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Silent Epidemic, an internationally recognized speaker, pelvic organ prolapse advocate, vaginal and intimate health activist, POP key opinion leader, and prolific writer regarding POP physical, emotional, social, sexual, fitness, and employment quality of life impact.
Sherrie has presented speeches nationally and internationally to physician, research, academic, corporate, policy and patient audiences since 2011. Her points of focus are raising awareness of the next significant evolution in women’s health awareness, screening, practice, and policy, advancing global women’s vaginal and intimate health understanding, developing POP patient guidance and support structures, and bridge building within patient advocacy, white coat, and white collar sectors toward the advancement of women’s pelvic health and POP best practices.
Recognizing a need to shift the global view of the remaining stigmatized aspects of women’s health, Sherrie Palm takes steps to pioneer change. Cognizant of the diverse and sensitive needs of her audience, Sherrie delicately places all the cards on the table to disclose aspects of vaginal health and intimate wellness rarely effectively discussed. Sherrie’s capacity to respectfully and compassionately answer all questions posed during speaking engagements endears her to the audience.
Sherrie’s engagement in POP projects and protocol enables patient voice to be an integral part of women’s health and wellness evolution. Sherrie presented to the FDA Obstetrics and Gynecology Advisory Committee Panel transvaginal mesh complication meetings in 2011 and 2019, sat on the Pelvic Floor Disorders Stakeholder Advisory Committee from 2011-2013, and currently sits on the FDA Medical Device Epidemiology Network (MDEpiNET) committee. Additional information about APOPS, pelvic organ prolapse, or Ms. Palm’s book or speaking presentations is available on the APOPS website.